On 5th of August the members of the Valaisan executive council made a stopover in our haven of peace. Esther Waeber-Kalbermatten, Jacques Melly, Christophe Darbellay, Roberto Schmidt and Frédéric Favre spent a short stay at the Grand Hotel & Kurhaus, in search of this preserved corner of the mountains which Chancellor Philipp Spörri described as a “little paradise”.
With the collaboration of Evolène Région Tourisme, the Grand Hotel & Kurhaus has planned for them a small encounter with the intangible cultural heritage of the region. The State Councillors fell under the charm of the young évolènards proudly wearing their costumes. The day ended with a few notes of music sung in patois by Anna Greipl, followed by a good meal at the Honorine.
The next day, Christophe Darbellay and Frédéric Favre had the pleasure to test our brand new activity: the morning run with the GM. A sporty jog that took them to the Cabane des Aiguilles Rouges and back down to the Lac Bleu!
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